From Cheated: The Inside Story of the Astros Scandal and a Colorful History of Sign Stealing by Andy Martino, published by Doubleday, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2021 by Andy Martino.
Before that first game of the [2019 American League Championship Series], the Yankees’ front office demanded that Major League Baseball lead them on a deep inspection of Minute Maid Park.
As the Astros shagged fly balls during batting practice on the field, a small group of officials walked the concourse, looked closely at the scoreboard, and examined every scouting camera.
The Yankees’ representative on the tour, assistant GM Jean Afterman, made a show of taking notes and pointing to things; there was an element of gamesmanship there, but the Yanks also wanted the Astros to know that they were on to them.
It appeared to work. The Astros in the outfield looked up nervously at the inspection. Closer to the dugout, A.J. Hinch, Alex Cintrón, and the coaching staff seethed at the spectacle. Hinch believed that 2019 Astros were playing on the level, and he resented any implication otherwise.
The bad blood spilled over into the game and spurred on the outsize reactions to Cintrón’s whistling from the dugout in the first inning to signal Tanaka’s pitches. In the first inning, after the Yankees thought Astros hitting coach Cintrón whistled and Boone complained, Cintrón stuck his middle finger out at the Yankees manager. That was when Yankees third-base coach Phil Nevin, a close friend of Boone’s, told third baseman Bregman, “Tell your third-base coach I’m going to kick his f--king ass.”
The Astros had been caught cheating again, two years after the trash-can scheme. It was a different violation, but a violation nonetheless. As Astros sources now admit, Yankees catcher Gary Sánchez was tipping the fastball that night by rising higher in his crouch. The whistling conveyed the sign to the hitter.
While audio cues had been a part of baseball for many years, MLB had made a point in 2019 that they were banned. Top league officials, including Joe Torre, Chris Young, and Peter Woodfork, had personally communicated this to managers, including Boone, during spring training in 2019.